Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ornamental Vegetation vs. Moose

Very interesting. I wonder if whitetail deer in Wisconsin die in a similar fashion and we just do not hear about it?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Old Eagles

Very interesting.

CWD in Maryland

Thanks to Elizabeth for this link.,0,7111184.story

I sincerely hope that the officials quoted are correct, and not just excessively optimistic.

George Pollard Jr.

Amazing story.

He suffered through two ship wrecks, and was forced to eat his own cousin after the first episode.

Now that is Life in the Food Chain.

I really should read that book about the Essex incident.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Seal-Off Lake

Thanks to Elizabeth for sending me this link.

It seems altogether too probable that the pristine life forms they hope to reveal will be threatened by the drilling.

Pythons in Everglades

It will take a lot more than a minor cold snap to control pythons.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011