Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Interesting story in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (link here) about a guy who caught a big gar.

I liked the part where he shot it twice with a handgun.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Interesting article on Maryland copperhead snakes in Saturday's Washington Post (link here).

Frank Mundus, RIP


Web site of famed shark hunter Frank Mundus, who recently bit the big one.

Friday, September 12, 2008


The animal resembled a modern crocodile but was actually a temnospondyl, a prehistoric amphibian that was an early relative of salamanders and frogs. Because of their odd mixture of characteristics, members of this group are sometimes nicknamed "crocamanders" or "frogodiles."

- Discovery (link here)


At the end of the Triassic, around 200 million years ago, crurotarsans and dinosaurs were probably in competition for the same resources.

Compared with modern-day crocodiles, Triassic-era crurotarsans were surprisingly diverse. There were huge biped predators, and quadrupeds such as the Deinosuchus (meaning 'Terrible Crocodile') that ate herbivorous dinosaurs.

- Discovery (link here)

Very interesting article.

What is more important, good genes or good luck?